11 research outputs found

    Context-Dependent Privacy-Aware Photo Sharing based on Machine Learning

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    Photo privacy has raised a growing concern with the advancements of image analytics, face recognition, and deep learning techniques widely applied on social media. If properly deployed, these powerful techniques can in turn assist people in enhancing their online privacy. One possible approach is to build a strong, automatic and dynamic access control mechanism based on analyzing the image content and learning users sharing behavior. This paper presents a model for context-dependent and privacy-aware photo sharing based on machine learning. The proposed model utilizes image semantics and requester contextual information to decide whether or not to share a particular picture with a specific requester at certain context, and if yes, at which granularity. To evaluate the proposed model, we conducted a user study on 23 subjects and collected a dataset containing 1’018 manually annotated images with 12’216 personalized contextual sharing decisions. Evaluation experiments were performed and the results show a promising performance of the proposed model for photo sharing decision making. Furthermore, the influences of different types of features on decision making have been investigated, the results of which validate the usefulness of pre-defined features and imply a significant variance between users sharing behaviors and privacy attitudes

    A framework for cloud-based context-aware information services for citizens in smart cities

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    © 2014 Khan et al.; licensee Springer. Background: In the context of smart cities, public participation and citizen science are key ingredients for informed and intelligent planning decisions and policy-making. However, citizens face a practical challenge in formulating coherent information sets from the large volumes of data available to them. These large data volumes materialise due to the increased utilisation of information and communication technologies in urban settings and local authorities’ reliance on such technologies to govern urban settlements efficiently. To encourage effective public participation in urban governance of smart cities, the public needs to be facilitated with the right contextual information about the characteristics and processes of their urban surroundings in order to contribute to the aspects of urban governance that affect them such as socio-economic activities, quality of life, citizens well-being etc. The cities on the other hand face challenges in terms of crowd sourcing with quality data collection and standardisation, services inter-operability, provisioning of computational and data storage infrastructure. Focus: In this paper, we highlight the issues that give rise to these multi-faceted challenges for citizens and public administrations of smart cities, identify the artefacts and stakeholders involved at both ends of the spectrum (data/service producers and consumers) and propose a conceptual framework to address these challenges. Based upon this conceptual framework, we present a Cloud-based architecture for context-aware citizen services for smart cities and discuss the components of the architecture through a common smart city scenario. A proof of concept implementation of the proposed architecture is also presented and evaluated. The results show the effectiveness of the cloud-based infrastructure for the development of a contextual service for citizens

    Virtual Queues for P4: A Poor Man’s Programmable Traffic Manager

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    The advent of programmable network switch ASICs and recent developments on other programmable data planes (NPUs, FPGAs) drive the renewed interest in network data plane programmability. The P4 language has emerged as a strong candidate to describe a protocol independent datapath pipeline. With its supported architectures, the P4 language provides an excellent way to define the packet processing and forwarding behavior, while leaving other networking components such as the traffic management engine, to non-programmable fixed function elements, based on the capabilities of most programmable devices. However, network flexibility is essential to meet the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of traffic flows. Thus, enabling programmable control for fixed-function elements like traffic management is crucial. Towards that end we propose the use of virtual queues in the P4 pipeline, investigate the application of virtual queue-based traffic management, and portability of the approach using different P4 programmable targets. Specifically, we focus on virtual queue based Active Queue Management (AQM) for congestion policing and meeting the latency targets of distinct network slices. The solution is compared to P4 built-in functionality for bandwidth management using meters, proving also that the additional dimensions of control are achieved without compromising the processing complexity of the solution

    Amelioration qualitative d’huiles d’olive produites dans le maroc oriental

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    The aim of this study is to characterize olive oils and to distinguish the production areas according to the specific soil and climate. The goal is to label "local product" olive oils produced in the eastern region of Morocco. The studies focus on oils from three consecutive olives harvest periods. Olive oils, obtained from eastern small olive oil-producers, characteristics were determined using conventional methods analysis, fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions. This study shows a marked improvement in quality parameters of olive oils produced in this region. There is a difference in the phenol content between oils of different origins; this parameter content can be used as marker to distinguish olive oils according to the production area.La caractérisation physicochimique et la recherche de signes distinctifs des huiles, selon les spécificités pédoclimatiques de leurs zones de production, sont réalisées dans le but de la labellisation "produit du Terroir" des huiles d’olive produites dans cette région. Pendant trois campagnes oléicoles consécutives des études, utilisant les méthodes classiques de caractérisation physicochimiques d’huiles et l’analyse de profils des triglycérides et des acides gras, ont été réalisées pour suivre l’évolution qualitative des huiles d’olives produites dans des coopératives du Maroc oriental. Ces études montrent une nette amélioration des paramètres qualitatifs des huiles produites dans cette région. On note une différence de richesse des huiles en phénols selon la zone géographique ; Ce paramètre, apparaît comme un signe distinctif entre terroir de production d’huile d’olive


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    In Eastern Morocco, olive tree growing has agreat economic and social importance. Itoccupies about 10% of the national olivegrowingsurface. Olive oil is the principalproduct; more than 70% of the olive productionis intended to trituration. In this region most ofthe olive orchards were established andcultivated by traditional methods, and olive oilextraction is generally carried out by artisanalmethods which can compromise its quality.Classical methods of analysis were used for apreliminary characterisation of olive oilproduced by regional cooperatives (Lakrarma,Kenine localised in Taourirt-Tafoughalt corridor). Analyses relating to free acidity, peroxide index, chlorophyll content and standardvalues of absorption, were realized. In comparison with International Olive Oil Council our results showed that analyzed olive oils have physico-chemical characteristics of a virgin orextra virgin olive oil.Au niveau du Maroc oriental l’oléiculturerevêt une grande importance économique et sociale, elle représente un peu moins de 10% de la superficie oléicole nationale. L’huile d’olive est le principal produit, du fait que plus de 70% de la production oléicole est destinée à la trituration. Dans cette région, la filière reste encore artisanale et mal organisée. L’extraction de l’huile d’olive s’effectue généralement par des méthodes traditionnelles qui peuvent compromettre sa qualité. Pour la caractérisation d’huile d’olive, provenant des coopératives régionales (Lakrarma, Kenine) du couloir Taourirt Tafoughalt, des analyses physicochimiques concernant l’acidité libre, l’indice de peroxyde, la teneur en chlorophylle et les valeurs standards d'absorption en UV ont été réalisées. Les résultats obtenus et selon la norme commerciale du Conseil Oléicole International, montrent que les huiles analysées possèdent des caractéristiques physicochimiques d’huile d’olive vierge à extra vierge

    6G E2E Architecture Framework with Sustainability and Security Considerations

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    The research on 6G in the EU-funded flagship project Hexa-X started with the investigation of the most important technology enablers and the evaluation of relevant 6G use cases. The next step is to integrate these enablers in a 6G E2E architecture that fulfills all use case-based Key Performance (KPI) and Key Value Indicators (KVI) and that follows the guidelines of general architectural principles. In addition, the main focus of an E2E 6G architecture must be on security and sustainability which both will have increased importance for future communication networks and society